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June Tournament, 5k down Division, American/European Daytime Players

8ai3yss [13k]375
17aitkensam [7k]2114
18Antalvic [18k]210.53.5
32armyweiqi [17k]242
25Atlante [5k]282
15Berensai [17k]
51BotanyBoy [16k]0.53.50Quit before round 4
5Boudje100 [10k]3117
47BrunnenG [17k]15.50.5
33Cleric [10k]232
42Cruiskeen [13k]181
28cslater [8k]262
48DrGoPlayer [7k]13.51.5Quit before round 3
45dynamite [11k]171
50eaudela [14k]0.560
49edlee [10k]130
39Excell2 [15k]19.52
37Fede [10k]1112
30Frutis [15k]25.51.5
7g0098 [9k]384
40GiBee [12k]191
9goshu [10k]374
14hisis [18k]
20Javaness [5k]2103
6joncol [12k]3106
31Justwu [21k]251
35LaohJo [19k]1.55.51
9LithiumTwo [9k]374
16Matrimiel [14k]2136
21mdm [13k]2102
46mrbeak [13k]16.50.5
41OiPaz [20k]18.51
11olczyk [16k]36.54.5
29Orphan [10k]261
1ox1 [12k]499Winner
22Ozymandius [16k]28.53.5
13Pampalini [14k]35.53.5
3Pasukaru [19k]477
27Pbl [12k]272
24pepermite [9k]283
42R0mai [9k]181
25retesz [11k]282
12Rukiak2 [7k]364
52smudge [11k]040Quit before round 3
38Taful [8k]1102
23TonyAdria [17k]284
2trc [13k]488
19twmj [17k]2104
3Unicum [5k]477
36VirtuaGod [7k]1.510
34wallie [16k]1.561
44Wuschelein [5k]180