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Xiong Yupei Cup, European daytime, 30k to 10k division Round 7 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadAceman87 [14k]Darkside [14k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+Res.
Downloadaltar [10k]FireFox04 [10k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+7.5
DownloadAndreyL [18k]harutoya [17k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadAstone [15k]Lorkan [16k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+Res.
DownloadBeckham [10k]kalim [10k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadBurnEmDown [16k]Astaldo [17k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+15.5
Downloadcailean [14k]Shikasta [15k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+6.5
DownloadDrOlczyk [14k]caraib007 [16k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+24.5
Downloadergun [10k]Mikurox [14k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+9.5
DownloadGadzooks [23k]IIIX [19k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+42.5
Downloadgotrdid [10k]ScorPuS [10k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+5.5
Downloadhugika [13k]Darkmoore [11k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+19.5
Downloadkeikoku07 [20k]JanneJ [24k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+10.5
Downloadken1jf [12k]Bugman [16k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+6.5
DownloadKrol [28k]dantesx [25k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+7.5
Downloadmihay2006 [23k]icez [26k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadMika666 [27k]Rafghost2 [27k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+39.5
Downloadnickels [11k]wsstadium2 [14k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+28.5
Downloadoden [12k]Kaos [14k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+2.5
Downloadpitirre [15k]enena [15k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+15.5
Downloadpsyko [10k]retesz [12k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+36.5
DownloadTomasX [18k]musai [17k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+12.5
DownloadVangelis [22k]LGD [20k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+Res.
Downloadvik212 [21k]hnogo [22k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+Res.
DownloadViltti [14k]Sub0 [12k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+37.5
DownloadWayToGo [25k]Benabar [23k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+32.5
Downloadwhatisgo [10k]kyuplayer1 [10k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMW+14.5
DownloadXwolverine [29k]hiknoko [30k]19×19 6/25/06 1:00 PMB+Res.
 Amateur [23k]Bye
 fantomas27 [20k]Bye (No show)
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