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September American/European Daytime Tournament Round 4 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadAlex12us [9k]Luksa [10k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Res.
Downloadaralai [6k]MiniST [8k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+Res.
Downloadblubb [3k]ESCRT [1k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Res.
Downloadchrislo [8k]LPDavid [9k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+7.5
DownloadCocQ [12k]Zioh [14k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+25.5
Downloadcslater [5k]Arsene [6k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Res.
Downloaddor21 [18k]darkhunter [16k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+Res.
Downloademety [16k]LeeKun [16k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+8.5
Downloadfelheart [2d]Sharpei [2d]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+0.5
DownloadGOLDX24 [23k]WayToGo [17k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+7.5
Downloadguiguistar [4k]Onizuka91 [5k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+2.5
Downloadhuy [15k]anglich [17k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Time
DownloadJavaness [2k]starsurfer [3k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+Res.
Downloadkilroy [4k]dreammaker [4d]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+Res.
DownloadLeg0LaS [17k]Mansairaku [15k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+15.5
DownloadMagicMagor [9k]Eduu [9k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Res.
Downloadnfs [11k]kuroitaiyo [11k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Res.
DownloadReveur [12k]DrOlczyk [13k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+19.5
DownloadRKbot [8k]kongkaroo [6k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+24.5
DownloadSerJO [12k]vik212 [9k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+Time
DownloadSupRAS [10k]Vose [11k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+34.5
Downloadtt [1d]apagis [3k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+3.5
DownloadUncleJam [25k]Samshino [22k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+6.5
Downloadusagi [1k]snowmen [3d]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+7.5
Downloadyoard [12k]Devius [16k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMB+Time
Downloadzapan [18k]hyadex [24k]13×13 9/23/06 8:32 PMW+4.5
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