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February American/European Daytime KGS Plus Tournament Round 5 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
Downloadakira04 [10k]Ralf08 [7k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
Downloadalexandrk [8k]Lego [8k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Res.
DownloadAstone [5k]magari [5k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
Downloadben0 [4d]Spike [3d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Res.
Downloadcime [5k]cleodboi [6k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Res.
DownloadDragonette [9k]Hagios [8k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+20.5
DownloadGoreon [1k]Long88 [2d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Res.
DownloadGoRival [9k]GotIt [9k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
DownloadIceborg [5k]badaboo [6k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+59.5
Downloadinin [2d]tt [2d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+15.5
Downloadkeshigomu [2d]Universe [1d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Res.
DownloadKyo69 [3k]ignus [2k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Res.
Downloadmlaure [9k]GoChick [8k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Time
Downloadnem [3k]pel [2k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Res.
Downloadprokofiev [6k]calm [6k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
DownloadRamsesII [2k]neonaruto [5k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Res.
Downloadretesz [5k]manakem10 [5k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+38.5
Downloadsalvor7 [1k]WhosNext [1d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Time
DownloadShu04 [1k]Welvang [3k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+16.5
Downloadskashi [15k]Vixtoras [11k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+44.5
Downloadsnowmen [3d]yoyoma [1d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+36.5
Downloadwettowel [11k]Lucas67 [18k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+97.5
Downloadwingnut [6k]chrayma [7k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
Downloadwossname [1d]shinigami [1d]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMB+Time
Downloadxanthar [8k]bkhl [8k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+4.5
DownloadZeratul22 [8k]croaker [9k]19×19 2/24/08 9:15 PMW+Res.
 Amayama [13k]Bye (No show)
 chunholee [2k]Bye (No show)
 ei [1d]Bye (No show)
 jawnaw2000 [14k]Bye (No show)
 m3rcury [2k]Bye (No show)
 Nepthys [10k]Bye (No show)
 ovitcz [5k]Bye (No show)
 Uizado [2k]Bye (No show)
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