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September Handicap Tournament, Europe/1k to 10k Division Round 4 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
Downloadadihorceag [10k]Hurmukka [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+20.5
Downloadajh [10k]OgataSeiji [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+30.5
Downloaddyc8 [10k]Galt [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+4.5
Downloadgolola [10k]immortal [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+40.5
DownloadIvanicus [10k]esse [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+29.5
Downloadjdrien [10k]bergman [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Forf.
Downloadkaziko [10k]prettyface [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Time
Downloadspliflefou [10k]kookaburra [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+7.5
DownloadBabelII [9k]Yaseen [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
DownloadLiriel [9k]DrunkenEgo [10k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+27.5
Downloadachimmohn [9k]madin [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Forf.
Downloadgoranger [9k]Vodka [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadretesz [9k]sarge [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+5.5
Downloadromek35 [9k]lefuet [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+3.5
DownloadSeibe [9k]bison [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Forf.
Downloadkettil [8k]jerri2 [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
Downloadnoones [8k]BacAnhVu [9k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
DownloadAstrae [8k]Centurion [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
Downloadcalabash [8k]czarny [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadGordi [8k]JJB [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadHLD [8k]pathetic [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadjhudsy [8k]thephung [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadKarakurom [8k]crisb [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadmarttiku [8k]irdal [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+7.5
Downloadnyxxo [8k]treibsand [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadKaii [7k]DonPimpon [9k]19×19 H29/19/04 5:30 PMW+49.5
DownloadJoJoGo [7k]Scatee [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Forf.
DownloadShuyin [7k]Templer [8k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
Downloadkamui7x [7k]Polkolord [7k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadshaokhan [7k]Jacare [7k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Time
Downloadoldbob [6k]Ruca [7k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadblubb [5k]Aldlob [6k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+2.5
Downloadchalmo [5k]Bermen [6k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+3.5
Downloadgyakusetsu [5k]Zalasha [5k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadJoakimS [4k]RikiTiki [6k]19×19 H29/19/04 5:30 PMW+117.5
DownloadAnnastasia [4k]horst [5k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadPrincessB [4k]OhanK [4k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Forf.
Downloadcrazyd [3k]Nosk [4k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Forf.
DownloadKodoBeast [3k]gotejini [4k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadCeiter [3k]Unicum [3k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+25.5
DownloadErdDrache [3k]spaciane [3k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Forf.
DownloadHpKid2002 [3k]spliff [3k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
Downloadlouis [3k]ja72 [3k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadSymBiosiS [3k]docef [3k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadXorax [2k]Weissnich [2k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
Downloadzyklop [1k]joeseki [3k]19×19 H29/19/04 5:30 PMW+Res.
Downloads2 [1k]hisoka [2k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMW+14.5
DownloadUKK [1k]longt2 [2k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Forf.
DownloadGundalf [1k]zazie [1k]19×19 9/19/04 5:30 PMB+Res.
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