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1. Boğaziçi Go Turnuvası Players

10AlperSulak [1d]2854144
31AnilD [17k]164783
6anilhuysal [5k]28.583112
14ArdaOdabas [5k]272476.5
18berkeuner [8k]2566114
11bluciano [5k]2750133.5
3cagdasyel [3d]30111141
13caglarkoca [5k]272781
24DefneS [12k]19.5044
28EdaKarakus [15k]17018
4ekima [1d]2983.5143.5
29erkanisci [15k]16.516.571
16EtkinOZGAN [7k]2678131
12firatasar [4k]2728144
33Firuzee [17k]14.5034
23Gokceaslan [14k]2072.596
1kaanm [4d]30115145Winner
7kemalokmen [5k]2880136.5
34MertK [22k]1002.5
20niloncel [8k]2451125.5
26oguzgencer [17k]186666
5oguzzerman [3k]2979135
35orhunm [-]2.51044.5
19oziscimen [9k]2468.5122
22remzioz [9k]23.52045
21SarpEge [7k]2424128.5
8Semihblk [4k]2857142.5
9Sofiam [1d]2856143
32tugbasadak [16k]1616.568.5
27tugraaral [15k]1848.587
1Ugurarikan [3d]30115145Winner
15UmutInal [8k]26.59999
25vukman97 [14k]18.534.579.5
17yilmazcali [4k]260142
30yoonfishie [15k]16.52.553