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9x9 1. İlkadım Turnuvası Players

19aebulut [-]2124
2AlpF [26k]41813
8Balperen [-]3147
22BarsB [-]292
16basak [-]2144
12berdangurs [-]3125
27busec [-]180
10egoat [-]3134
29erengul [-]070Quit before round 3
12flexy [-]3125
6goekin [-]4107
28hakango [-]170
14Homeros [-]3123
9iclal [-]3146
24lacknproof [-]1141
3Merfem38 [-]41510
7Misik [-]3168
11mlhylmz58 [-]3126
5mrbonapart [-]4119
19Muss [-]2124
1Nicos [-]51515Winner
22omrfrk [-]292
15ozgury [20k]2166
16sararara [-]2144
26seloenc [-]181Quit before round 4
21sezijn [-]2102
18sudedrmb [-]2133
25T3RR1B13 [-]1111
4ybavsar [-]4128