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2024 Türkiye Gençler Milli Takım Seçme Turnuvası Players

8alpbarkin [23k]2.552
22asvrnoglu [21k]15.50
10ATOM08 [-]294
17aymira26 [-]25.51
18batuaras [-]1101
14baykraft3 [18k]282
1berkeuner [1k]41111Winner
24BulutCan [-]050
12CaganT [-]292
21Cinarko [-]170
16EceKara [-]261
4Egeergun [-]39.55.5
19enbiya [18k]180
23GoZeynep [-]150
20KaanKuyucu [2d]171
11Kaya1234 [22k]293
15metcet [-]273
5omerkilinc [-]395
5oziscimen [1k]395
13procuk [-]283
9SarpEge [-]2114
3sonicaren [5k]310.56.5
7Toprakkaya [11k]2.563
2yuki17 [-]488