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9. Smyrna Go Turnuvası Round 5 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadAlperSulak [1k]altankunty [3d]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+Res.
DownloadAltugD [5k]EtkinOZGAN [7k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadAnilD [18k]DaghanOzal [16k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMW+17.5
Downloadanilhuysal [5k]DanylP [7k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+Res.
DownloadAnnaZ [13k]PetroP [8k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+7.5
DownloadArzuDemirD [6k]MikhailoZ [8k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+21.5
DownloadCinarCetin [14k]oziscimen [18k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+18.5
DownloadDefneS [12k]ViktorHadz [8k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+143.5
Downloadefsaecriny [30k]LevIgor [-]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMW+27.5
DownloadNaruna [14k]daniel899 [12k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMW+6.5
DownloadOzgurD [5d]ulasbeduk [2k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMW+Res.
DownloadSofiam [1k]kaanm [4d]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+Res.
DownloadYusufArdaY [19k]izzetozdem [20k]19×19 5/9/21 1:30 PMB+155.5
 ChrisGhorb [10k]Bye (No show)
 CihanMertD [9k]Bye (No show)
 EdaKarakus [15k]Bye (Requested)
 MertK [22k]Bye (Requested)
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