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20. Uluslararası İstanbul Go Turnuvası Round 3 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
Downloadaakanbolat [10k]AryaD [8k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+65.5
DownloadAlpDemir [-]NikyKH [-]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+14.5
DownloadAltugD [3k]czgoplayer [3k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
Downloadberkeuner [6k]EtkinOZGAN [7k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Time
DownloadDemirY [27k]KaanKuyucu [23k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+Forf.
DownloadDogacK [2d]AlperSulak [1d]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
Downloademre35 [6d]tzbk [7d]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+Res.
Downloademrevektor [1d]Sofia [1d]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
DownloadEnerOzturk [15k]MiraD [14k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+3.5
DownloadHusrevA [3d]Ufuk [1k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
Downloadkaanm [4d]dartagaluc [4d]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Time
DownloadKadirKara [10k]kkkanbolat [10k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+138.5
Downloadkagitecu [-]LeaSaco [-]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+50.5
Downloadkazancc [2d]cagdasyel [2d]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadMartinKC [-]tugbasadak [30k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
DownloadMathieuB [4k]wildpizza [4k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+24.5
Downloadmehmetali [9k]nilozer [10k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+110.5
Downloadnalankycn [5k]onurbasar [3k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+26.5
Downloadniloncel [11k]tugraaral [14k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+79.5
Downloadonceler [2k]okanyak [3k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+34.5
Downloadptitged [2k]ulasbeduk [3k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+Forf.
DownloadQoryl [6k]keremozeni [6k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+71.5
DownloadSarpOzturk [9k]semaseymen [10k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+24.5
Downloadsilence [7k]Bobore [9k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMB+1.5
Downloadsinantos [1k]BilgeGoze [2k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+6.5
Downloadtamanbuaya [7k]ilknur [7k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
DownloadUgurTasdln [12k]adkanbolat [12k]19×19 11/21/21 1:00 PMW+Res.
 busraemre [-]Bye (Requested)
 elphiya [-]Bye
 erkanisci [13k]Bye (Requested)
 mustafauz [12k]Bye (Requested)
 oziscimen [5k]Bye (Requested)
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