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9x9 1. İlkadım Turnuvası Round 3 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadBarsB [-]Muss [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+Res.
Downloadbusec [-]lacknproof [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+Res.
Downloadegoat [-]aebulut [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMW+21.5
Downloadhakango [-]omrfrk [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+29.5
DownloadHomeros [-]Nicos [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+7.5
Downloadiclal [-]basak [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMW+7.5
DownloadMisik [-]Balperen [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMW+46.5
Downloadmlhylmz58 [-]sezijn [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMW+12.5
Downloadozgury [20k]Merfem38 [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+16.5
Downloadsararara [-]flexy [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+18.5
Downloadseloenc [-]goekin [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+Time
Downloadsudedrmb [-]mrbonapart [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadT3RR1B13 [-]berdangurs [-]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+Res.
Downloadybavsar [-]AlpF [26k]9×9 12/2/23 5:00 PMB+25.5
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