Games (all times are in GMT, click to choose your time zone):
If you are entered in a tournament, please make sure that you have read the KGS tournament guide.
The first official double elimination tournament! That means that if you lose one game, you are still in the tournament - you stay in until you have lost twice! The tournament winner is the last player left. Depending on how many people show up, this may go for quite a few rounds - there will be three rounds on Saturday, three on Sunday, and if necessary more rounds the following weekend.
Sponsored by Kiseido and KGS.
Double Elimination, Simultaneous Schedule.
Every round a player from each division will be chosen at random to receieve 1 week added onto their KGS Plus membership! In addition, the winner of a division gets a $15 US gift certificate at Kiseido and 1 month added to their KGS Plus membership. The runner up in each division gets 1 month added to their KGS Plus membership.