Games (all times are in GMT, click to choose your time zone):
If you are entered in a tournament, please make sure that you have read the KGS tournament guide.
Welcome to the December KGS Plus tournament!
19x19, Blitz, Single Elimination! The time settings are very short: 6 minutes Main time plus Canadian 3 minutes 20sec per 25 moves (6m + 3min 20sec / 25moves), the rounds are spaced 30 min apart, all rounds in the same day. Remember, the anti-mouse slip option is always turned on for tournament play. For your move to be accepted you must hover for ¼ second before making your move. You only have 8 seconds per move on average, so knowing exactly when to click is very important!
Important: Conditions for Tournament entry:
People who do not fulfill those conditions but register anyway may be disqualified anytime (before the tournament starts, during a round, or even once all the rounds are over). A disqualified player will have no prize.
People who do not fullfill those conditions but register anyway may be disqualified anytime (before the tournament starts, during a game, during a round, or even once all the rounds are over). A disqualified player will have no prize and won't be allowed to enter upcoming tournaments.
Single Elimination, Simultaneous Schedule.