Downstream Messages

GET request will return a JSON object with one elment, named messages. The value of messages will be a list of objects, which will always have an element named type that will match one of the message types in the list below. Messages marked as channel messages will always include a channelId field that is the ID of this channel.


Always the first message you receive.

Field Meaning
versionMajor Major version number of server.
versionMinor Minor version number of server.
versionBugfix Bugfix version number of server.
jsonClientBuild A string with the date and time of this JSON translator build.


Letting you know that a user's flags have changed.

Field Meaning
user The user information.


Your user name is not on the server.



Your password did not match.



An attempt to log in as a guest failed because the user name selected is already present.



You have been disconnected because somebody logged in with your account on another system. Note: Despite the name of this message, you should not reconnect automatically when you get this. Most likely the user is gone and has logged in from another system, and reconnecting here will kick them back out.


You have logged in successfully.

Field Meaning
you A user that describes you.
friends Optional. A list of friends; see below for how each friend is structured.
subscriptions Optional. List of KGS Plus subscriptions that this account has.
roomCategoryChannelIds An object that maps room categories to the channel that has the master room list for that category.
rooms A list of all rooms on the server. See below for per-room information.
Elements of friend list
friendType One of buddy, censored, fan, or admin_track.
user A user giving information on the friend.
notes Optional. String information about the friend.
Elements of room list
channelId The channel ID of the room.
category The category of the room.



Field Meaning
user The user whose archive this is.
games An array of game summaries.


Indicates that you are no longer in this channel.


One or more games in the archive have changed.

Field Meaning
games An array of game summaries that have changed.


A game in this archive has been removed.

Field Meaning
timestamp The time stamp of the game that was removed.


The channel has been closed, and no longer exists.


The archive you have requested does not exist.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user whose archive you requested.



Provides the names of one or more rooms.

Field Meaning
rooms An array of room information
Room Information
channelId The channel ID of the room
name The name of the room.
private Optional. If set, the room is private.
tournOnly Optional. If set, only tournament games in this room.
globalGamesOnly Optional. If set, all games in this room must be on the global game lists.


You tried to join a channel that is private.

Field Meaning
channelId The channel that you tried to join.


Indicates that you have joined a room.

Field Meaning
games A list of game channels that are in the room.
users A list of users in this room.


You joined a game channel.

Field Meaning
users List of users in this room.
sgfEvents A list of SGF events that will rebuild the game to its current point.
Various All fields from a GAME_STATE message will be present as well.
gameSummary A game summary for this game.


You joined a challenge.

Field Meaning
users List of users in this room.
gameSummary The game summary for this game.
Various All fields from a GAME_STATE message will be present as well.


Field Meaning
user The user who has been added to this channel.


A chat message from the channel. Announcements should be in bold, they are from admins and are meant to stand out. Moderated chat means that the message is coming from the current channel moderator on behalf of the user specified in the message.

Field Meaning
user The user who made the announcement.
text The text of the chat or announcement.


A user has been removed from the channel.

Field Meaning
user The user.


Field Meaning
user The user whose details channel this is.
Various All fields from DETAILS_UPDATE are present.


If you are in a details channel when anything about the user changes, you get this update.

Field Meaning
forcedNoRank Boolean. If set, then this user's rank has been shut off by admins.
privateEmail Boolean. If set, then this user is keeping their email address private
emailWanted Boolean. If set, the user wants email from KGS.
lastOn The time when they were last logged in.
regStartDate When they registered this account.
personalName Their "real name."
personalInfo A block of text where they can put whatever they want.
locale The locale passed in on their last login.
email Optional. Their email address. Missing if they have it private, unless you are an admin, in which case it is provided anyway.
subscriptions Optional. If this is your account or if you are an admin, your subscriptions are here. See LOGIN_SUCCESS.



Sent if you ask for details on a nonexistant user.

Field Meaning
name The name for which you asked for a details channel.



Image data for a user's avatar.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user whose image this is. Note that this message is unique in downstream messages, in that it has a name instead of a user.
imageData base64 encoded JPEG image data. If this is missing, it means that the user has no avatar.



Rank graph data for a user details channel.

Field Meaning
rankData An array of rank graph data. One value per day, last value is for midnight GMT from yesterday. 30k is 0..99, 29k is 100..199, etc. 0x7fff indicates "no rank for this day."



If you join a room category channel, you get these periodically.

Field Meaning
rooms A list of room entries.
Room Entry Values
channelId The room's channel ID.
numUsers The number of users in the room.
numGames The number of games in the room.


Gives the room descripton text for a room, and the list of owners.

Field Meaning
description The room description text
owners Optional. A list of users.


The name of this room has changed. If you aren't in the room, you need to re-request the name (or just forget about it).


You successfully created a room.

Field Meaning
callbackKey The callback key for your request.



Field Meaning
callbackKey Optional. If you were the one to request this convo, you will see your callback key here.
user The other user in this convo.


Can't make your convo. User doesn't exist.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


Contains your messages from your mailbox.

Field Meaning
messages A list of messages.
Message Contents
time The timestamp of the message creation.
user The user who sent the message.
text The text of the message.


You successfully sent somebody a message.

Field Meaning
callbackKey The callback key.


The user who you tried to send a message to does not exist or has a full mailbox.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


The user is connected. Instead of leaving them a message, a convo will be created.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


You tried to change somebody's friend (buddy, fan, etc.) state, but they don't exist!

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


You successfully changed somebody's friend state.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.
friendType The friend type they are or were.
user The user who you changed.
notes Optional. Your notes for the user.


Informs you that your challenge has been created.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.
game The game channel for the new game.



Indicates that you could not create the challenge you wanted.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.
gameId Optional. Honestly I'm not sure what this means. The Java client ignores it. The server fills it in sometimes, but it's very hard for me to tell exactly when or why.


Indicates that your game proposal was invalid, because it specified a ranked game but the rules were incompatible with ranked.

Field Meaning
field One of SIZE, HANDICAP, KOMI, or TIME.
tooBig Boolean. If set, your value was too big for ranked; if clear, your value was too small.
limit The value you need to move to in order to play ranked.


You have not done anything in a long time, and will be disconnected in 10 minutes.


Updates the list of games in a room or global game list.

Field Meaning
games A list of game channels.


No data, just lets you know that your SYNC_REQUEST has been processed and returned.

Field Meaning
callbackKey The callback key from the request.



A player in a challenge has proposed a game.

Field Meaning
proposal The proposal.


When you are about to join a game but may not know about it (e.g., if you are not in a room with the game), this will be sent first.

Field Meaning
game The game channel.


Updates with more information about the game.

Field Meaning
Various The game flags for this game.
actions A list of the actions available to each player in the game. See below for the format for each action.
clocks An object mapping role to the current state of that role's clock. See below for the format of each clock. May not be present when there are no clocks involved in the game.
score The final score from the game. Only present if the game has been scored.
whiteDoneSent Boolean. Indicates whether or not white has OKed the current score. Only present when scoring.
blackDoneSent Boolean. Indicates whether or not black has OKed the current score. Only present when scoring.
whiteScore The white score. Only present during scoring.
blackScore The black score. Only present during scoring.
doneId The current "done ID." Each time a player changes the life and death of stones in the game, the done ID is incremented, and the "doneSent" flag for each player is cleared. When sending a GAME_SCORING_DONE message, you must include the done ID, and if it is not up to date the message will be ignored by the server.
Action Format
user The user who can perform this action. Multiple users may have the same action available.
Clock Format
paused Boolean. If present, the clock has been paused, e.g. because the player has left the game.
running Boolean. If present, the clock is running. A clock is only running when it is the turn of the player who owns this clock.
time Double. The seconds left in the current period of the clock.
periodsLeft Only present for byo-yomi clocks. The number of periods left on the clock.
stonesLeft Only present for Canadian clocks. The number of stones left in the current period.


Moves have been made in the game or playback.

Field Meaning
sgfEvents The SGF events needed to represent the changes in the game.


User requested an undo. Ignore it to reject it, or send GAME_UNDO_ACCEPT to let the undo happen.

Field Meaning
role The role of the user requesting an undo.



For teachers only. Set whether the chat is moderated or not.

Field Meaning
user Optional. If the mode is MODERATED then this says who the moderator is.


Indicates that your clock has run out. This is a test message to determine whether or not you are still connected. The client must immediately send a GAME_TIME_EXPIRED back to the server.



The game has ended.

Field Meaning
score The final score of the game.


A game review has started. The review will be in a new channel.

Field Meaning
originalId The channel ID of the game.
review The game channel of the new review.


An attempt to load a game from archives has failed.

Field Meaning
gameSummary The game summary of the game that failed to load.


A block of audio for a channel you're in.

Field Meaning
audio Base64-encoded SPEEX audio data.


Add one or more playbacks to those you know about.

Field Meaning
playbacks A list of playbacks.
Playback Format
dateStamp The date stamp of the playback.
subscribersOnly Boolean. If set, only KGS Plus subscribers can see the playback.
gameSummary The game summary of the playback.


A playback has been set up for you to watch.

Field Meaning
gameSummary The game summary of the playback.


You have joined a playback. No information, it all came in the prior PLAYBACK_SETUP message.


You have joined a global games list.

Field Meaning
containerType One of CHALLENGES, ACTIVES, or FANS.
games A list of game channels.


Field Meaning
subscriptions A list of your subscriptions.


A matching proposal has been uploaded by all players involved, and the game is starting.

Field Meaning
gameChannelId The channel ID of the new game.
proposal The accepted proposal.


A message sent to all channels, all users. This should be displayed very prominently.

Field Meaning
text The text of the announcement.


Random server statistics.

Field Meaning
versionMajor Same as HELLO.
versionMinor Same as HELLO.
versionBugfix Same as HELLO.
serverStartTime The time when the server last started up.
bytesIn Total bytes sent to the server (in the binary protocol) since it started.
messagesIn Total messages received by the server since it started.
bytesOut Total bytes sent out from the server (in the binary protocol).
messagesOut Total messages sent out from the server.
logins Number of users logged in right now.
loginsMax Most logins at any one time since server restart.
accounts Number of current accounts on the system.
accountsMax Most accounts ever in the server since it last started.
rooms Number of rooms on the server.
roomsMax Most rooms on the server at one one time since last restart.
games Number of games on the server.
gamesMax Most games on the server at once since last restart.


Indicates whether your attempt to delete an account succeeded or failed.

Field Meaning
name The name that you tried to delete.


You can't join that channel! It's for subscribers only.


All players have left the game.


The editor of this review or demonstration game has left.

Field Meaning
user The editor (in user format) who left the game.


This channel doesn't allow talking.


You can't log in, an admin has blocked you.

Field Meaning
text The reason the admin gave for blocking you.


You have blocked too many users. You can't do it any more.

Field Meaning
name The user who you were not able to block.


Success or failure of your blocking somebody.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user you tried to block.


Success or failure of your attempt to life the block of a user.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user whose block you tried to lift.


You tried to play, but you are already playing in a game. Use simul if you want to play in several games at once.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


You tried to start up a playback, but you are already watching one.


A game you played in has been started/loaded.

Field Meaning
gameSummary The game summary of the started game.


Indicates whether your account to register succeeded or failed.


A game has been removed from this room or global game list.

Field Meaning
gameId The channel of the game that was removed.


Same error happened while trying to do a playback.


Reasons why creating a room would fail.

Field Meaning
callbackKey Your callback key.


Gives you the category of a room. Sent when a room changes categories.

Field Meaning
category The new category of the room.


Your attempt to add/remove a user as an owner or somebody with access to a private room has failed.

Field Meaning
name The user you tried to add or remove.


Field Meaning
users A list of users who have access to this private room or game.


A playback has been deleted from the system.

Field Meaning
timeStamp The time stamp of the playback thas has been deleted.


Another user has submitted a proposal in a challenge channel you own.

Field Meaning
user The user who submitted the proposal.
proposal The proposal.


Your subscription will expire soon!

Field Meaning
days The number of days before your subscription expires.


A room has left this category list.

Field Meaning
roomId The channel ID of the room that left.


The other person in this convo does not want to talk.


You tried to set up roles for this game, but one of the players who you named does not exist or is not in this game.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user you tried to assign a role to.


Your proposal has been declined.


One player has been swapped in for another.

Field Meaning
role The role that has changed users.
user The user who is now filling the role.



Everybody likes ads, right?

Field Meaning
locationId A number indicating where the ad should be shown.
adId Clicking the ad should take you to
imageData Base64 encoded image data for the ad.


Indicates that chat is now enabled in this channel.


You attempted to join this channel when you were already in it.


A tournament game that you are playing in has started.

Field Meaning
gameChannelId The channel ID of the tournament game that has started.
roomChannelId The channel ID of the room that contains the tournament game.
clocksStarted Boolean. If set, the setup time is over, the clocks are ticking.


Indicates that a game is paused (in "prepare" mode).

Field Meaning
time Optional. Floating point. The time (in seconds) until the game goes back to normal. Not present when prepType is END.


You are about to start a playback seek.


When you do a playback seek, you get a big pile of SGF events. This message indicates that you have gotten all you need, you are at the seek position you wanted.


Tells you the auotmatch preferences that this user has uploaded before.

Field Meaning
maxHandicap The maximum number of handicap stones accepted in an automatch game.
estiamtedRank The rank we claim to be. 1k is the highest allowed.
freeOk If set, free (unrated) games are OK.
rankedOk If set, rated games are OK.
robotOk If set, games against robots are OK.
humanOk If set, games against humans are OK.
blitzOk If set, blitz games are OK.
fastOk If set, fast games are OK.
mediumOk If set, medium speed games are OK.
unrankedOk If set, playing against unranked players are OK.


Tells you whether or not automatch is on right now.

Field Meaning
enabled Boolean


The name of a game has changed.

Field Meaning
name Optional. The new name of the game. If this is missing, the game no longer has a name.


Returns your tags. This object returns, in addition to the type field, a mapping from game time stamp to the tag of that game.


You want a tag archive for a user who does not exist.

Field Meaning
name The name of the user whose tag archive you tried to view.


Some channels give you a burst of messages when you first join. This message indicates that the burst is over, you have all the information you will get about the channel.


Indicates that you have had the game in this exact position before. If you repeat it twice more, the game will be scored as no result. Only appears for Japanese-rules games.


Your connection has closed.

Field Meaning
text Optional. An English-language message indicating why the connection closed. Empty when the connection closes for "obvious" reasons, e.g. if you sent a LOGOUT message up to the server.