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May KGS+ Tournament, Asian daytime Open division (Winner: C8H10N4O2)

9x9, no handicap, double elimination! Fast rounds (5 minutes main time, 3 byo yomi periods of 10 seconds), a round every 20 minutes. Prizes given out every round, so even if you don't think you can win your division, you still have a chance at getting a prize! Four divisions, none of which will have handicaps.

50 non-KGS Plus members per division will be allowed to the open divisions, 20 to the asian kyu one and none to the european/american kyu one. KGS Plus members are always welcome.

IMPORTANT: you are allowed to attend only one division (out of the 4 ones) and are expected to use your strongest account on KGS. Contact the user "glue" if your KGS Plus account is not your strongest account.

Please respect your opponents, and don't ask a bye when there are less than 8 players around.


Sponsored by KGS, Kiseido and AyGoSchool AyGoSchool.


Double Elimination, Simultaneous Schedule.


  1. The winner of each American/European division gets 1 free month of KGS Plus and a teaching game with a teacher from the AyGoSchool. People who have previously won the AyGoSchool teaching game twice are not eligible for the teaching game.
  2. The winner of each Asian division gets 1 free months of KGS Plus and a $18 gift certificate from Kiseido.
  3. The runner-up (player who loses the final game) of each American/European division gets 1 free month of KGS Plus and a $18 gift certificate from Kiseido.
  4. The runner-up (player who loses the final game) of each Asian division gets 1 free month of KGS Plus.
  5. Each round but the finale one, 1 week of free KGS Plus will be awarded at random.