Missing stone placement sound.
The sound system used by recent versions of Java will not play the sound used when a stone is placed on the board. This page offers a solution.
There is an additional solution for users of Java 6. However, with Java 7, there have been substantial changes to security. Using older versions of Java may increase risks to your computer.
Before using this fix, please check your sound system.
- Is your sound hardware installed properly and working? Are your speakers on?
- Are the options to use KGS sound enabled? Look under "File" and then "Set Preferences" if you are online. If you use the Web Start client, you may check while offline by clicking on the "Configure" button in the six button main Window.
- Is sound enabled in your operating system? Is the volume control at an appropriate level?
- If your operating system allows for separate sound levels for different software, check the settings for the KGS client.
This solution is provided by Nick23. It involves downloading a file, and placing it in your Java extensions folder. It is discussed in a thread in the Life in 19 x 19 forums. The most relevant post is #29.
To use this, download the file linked to in that message. Next, you will want to find the location of your Java Runtime Environment, known as a JRE. It may be in different locations, depending on your operating system, and the version of Java. Future editions of this page will have a list that will be added to as we get more information. Note, when doing this, you may find you have more than one version of Java on your machine. This will work only if you place a copy of the file with the version of Java used to run CGoban.
You may use the Java Control Panel to find the location of your Java folder.
- If you are using Windows, one way to do this is to open the Windows Control Panel, and browse for the Java entry. It should have a steaming coffee cup logo.
- On all computers, you should be able to open the control panel by using a command window and entering the following command: javaws -viewer. This should bring up both the viewer and the control panel. When they open close the viewer.
- In the control panel, click the "Java" tab and then the "View" button.
- Look in the "Path" column of the table. If needed to see the entire path, use the mouse to grab a corner and drag it to make the window wider. Then, use the mouse to adjust the column widths.
- Browse your file system to find that folder. From there, you may have to browse up to a parent or grandparent folder, and then down to the ~lib/ext folder.
- In Windows, the file system browser is part of Windows Explorer. This is not the ame as Internet Explorer.
- Paste the downloaded file there.
Note: If you find you have more than one version of Java on your machine, you should consider removing older versions. Oracle recommends having only the latest version on your machine.
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